
Sunday, October 10, 2010

French Manicure

ORIGINAL POST DATE: August 18, 2010

Well, I'm leaving to help my sister move into her dorm for college so I'll be gone for three days. I leave tomorrow morning (very early) and get back Friday. It's a 7 hour drive up. Oh the joys. But I REALLY wanted to post something for the 18th so I'm typing this the night before. And I'll post it up when I wake up tomorrow. Sound good? And I'm going to try to post something on Friday, when I get back. :D

Okay, so. Let me start by saying I love French manicures. I AM half French. :) They are simple, classy, elegant, and ageless. They will NEVER go out of style, and you can wear them with anything! Anytime, anywhere. They're just THAT versatile.

So, I painted my nails a French manicure the other day and took a bunch of pictures. I always take like 20 pictures of my nails and then only post 1 or 2. I don't want to just fill the blog with photos, no matter how fun that sounds. But I might do that with this post, considering that most people know how to do a French manicure, so there's no need to explain how I did it. But I'll still tell you what I used.

I used "Sweet Blush" by Orly for the base, and China Glaze's "White on White" for the tips. Now, "Sweet Blush" is a great nail polish, it goes on really smooth, but it is not for everyone. "Sweet Blush" matches MY skin tone pretty well, but it may not match yours. But don't fret! Orly's French manicure polishes has a bunch of different pink colors. :) And the "White on White" is just a simple white. Any white polish will do.

Some people will use the stickers for the tips, to make a perfectly curved line. I, on the other hand, do not use them. I've tried it a few times, and it's fine, but I just prefer doing it myself.

Photo time! Here are pictures of my left hand.

Unfortunately, my pointer finger nail broke, so it's a lot shorter than the rest of my nails. But I REFUSE to cut my other nails to match. So I just have to wait for it to grow out.

And here's a photo of my right hand.

And the pointer finger nail on this hand ALSO broke, but not as short as my left hand, thankfully. So, yeah, for some reason, it's ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS the pointer finger nail that breaks.

And here are photos of my rhinestone rainbow that I'm so gosh-darn proud of. :)

My left hand, sporting my rhinestone rainbow. I like to call it a "ring for my finger."

A close up of the rhinestones. Ignore the fact that my finger looks wrinkly. Thank you.

♥ ☮


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