
Saturday, October 30, 2010

O.P.I: From A to Z-urich

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! And because I have nothing Halloween-related to share, I've decided to make it review time! It's O.P.I's "From A to Z-urich"! So, buckle your seat belts and prepare yourself. :) Here's a picture of the bottom of the bottle and the bottle itself.

"From A to Z-urich" is a blood-red color from O.P.I's Swiss Collection. It's really bright and sanguine. Reminds me of red wine, but it's not purple-y. Lol. The application is awesome. It was practically opaque in one coat. But I would definitely recommend two coats. And me being me, I used three coats. And it was super smooth. The drying time was average/fast average. I don't really keep track, unless it takes a super long or short time to dry.

The picture in the photo is basically what it's like in real life. But keep in mind that I took the pictures in direct sunlight. So indoors the color is a bit deeper and darker. And I couldn't decide which photo to use, because I'm an indecisive person and because the photos look almost identical. So I just put up both. :D

I thoroughly enjoy and love this color. :D And I hope you do too. I hope everyone's Halloween is fun and spooky. My candy craze has already started. (I tootsie rolls) I carved my pumpkin yesterday. There shall be pictures soon. :D


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