
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Three Free Zoyas!

Well.  Look what came in the mail yesterday...!  I was SO excited to get these.  I was nervous.  Worried.  Apprehensive that my order hadn't gone through.  It was my first time ordering from Zoya.  But no. Zoya is awesome, and they make sure you get your order.  So for everyone who has yet to get their package, do not fret! 

  • Harlow: It's a bit more purple in real life.  It's a magenta color, not pink or purple.  It dries matte.
  • Crystal:  A light blue foil with gold specks.  It was Zoya's top polish of 2010!
  • Savita:  A deep purple matte polish.  All the swatches I've seen of this are gorgeous!
Picking just three colors was hard.  Very, very, very, excruciatingly hard.  I had a list of over 16 colors that I wanted from Zoya.  But I picked the three that I just absolutely had to have like NOW. :D  I want to try these on SO *%&$@# badly, but I'm still wearing "Big Apple Red" (my 3rd day wearing this color. WOW) and I love it too much to remove it.  So I think it'll be on for a little while longer.

So.  From my haul on Saturday from ULTA and these three Zoyas, I have gotten 12 new colors in 4 days.  Now THAT is impressive.

☮  ♥ ☀


1 comment:

I love all of you for taking time to comment! If you have a blog, I'll check it out.