
Monday, February 14, 2011

My Valentine's Day Nails! ♥

I gave in. Surprise, surprise.  I wasn't PLANNING on doing a Valentine's Day theme nail design because I had on my O.P.I "Not Like The Movies" and I love that color.  But the more I thought about it, the more I saw other people's V-Day nails, I couldn't resist.  And plus I had seen a picture of a look that I really wanted to try.  So this is the result.

I had seen this design on Polish or Perish HERE and I thought it looked simple enough, and I really liked it, and I happened to have "Some Enchanted Evening" so I thought, What the hay?

Colors used:
  • O.P.I "Big Apple Red"
  • Deborah Lippmann "Some Enchanted Evening"

I used 2 coats of "Big Apple Red" and then tried a gradient effect using "Some Enchanted Evening" fading to the tip of the nail.

The nail design ended up reminding me of Christmas.  Oh well.  I still enjoy it.  And I got several compliments in the span of one day!  So that's always fun. :D  Valentines is a fun, chocolate filled holiday, and who cares if you're single?!  No one.  

I have had a great day so far.  And I hope your day has gone splendid as well!  And I'm eating Godiva chocolate truffles as I type this.  Could I be any happier?  No.  The answer is no.

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  Valentine's Day!  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  



  1. You're just so fancy! I want those nails so badly Lin <3 Happy Valentine's Day sistah!

  2. That's so cute~

    I love the way you review nail pollishes! it's well organized!
    I add your blog to my blog list! ;D


I love all of you for taking time to comment! If you have a blog, I'll check it out.