Monday, April 25, 2011

Zoya: Faye

Hello, Everyone!  Today I have a color that I'm sure you're familiar with because it has been on almost everyone's blog.  Here is Zoya's "Faye" from the Sunshine Collection.

Zoya describes "Faye" on their website as "A bronzed mauve with purple and brown undertones flooded with bright gold sparkle."  And I agree, except for the "brown undertones"part, because really I don't see that.

  • Coats:  2 coats, but I've heard other people use 3.
  • Finish:  A glorious shimmer.
  • Where:
  • Wear:  I wore it for 3 days, but it didn't look like "Faye" was going to chip any time soon.
  • Cost:  $8.00 at
  • Staining: No stains!
  • Application:  Smooth and light, like all Zoya shimmers.
  • Dry time:  Normal
  • Removal:  Not difficult, but little sparkles get all over your hands, so you might be better off using the foil method of removal.

The photos are color accurate and taken in sunlight.

I enjoy "Faye" because it is a subtle but beautiful color.  The mauve tone is pleasing to my eyes and the gold shimmer is VERY visible and gorgeous.  Zoya does gold shimmer so fabulously.

I hope everyone had a nice Sunday if you celebrate Easter.  And I hope everyone has a relaxing day today.  It's time to take a nice long deep breath.  :)


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Egg Nails!!

Hello, Everyone!  Today I have an Easter egg inspired nail design!  All the egg designs are original, but the chick on the fourth finger was inspired by another blog as I was looking at other Easter designs. :D

Base:  OPI "Heart Throb"
Stripes: Orly "Purple Crush" and a Kiss Hot Pink striping bottle.

Use three coats of "HT" and using a striping brush, paint several stripes with "PC" and in between those lines paint stripes with a hot pink color.

Base:  OPI "Gargantuan Green Grape"
Dots:  OPI  "Jade is the New Black" and a bright neon green color.

Use three coats of "GGG" and using a dotting tool make a line of "JitNB", then the neon green, keeping that pattern.

Base:  OPI "Rumple's Wiggin'"
Lines:  China Glaze "Spontaneous"

Use two coats of "RW" and then use "Spontaneous" and a striping brush to make the zigzag lines.

Base:  OPI "Need Sunglasses"
Egg:  OPI "Alpine Snow-Matte"
Beak:  Revlon "Mad About Mango"
Eyes:  Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear "Black Out"

Paint 3 coats of "NS" and using the brush on "AS-M" paint the egg shell.  Using a dotting tool, paint the beak and eyes.

Base:  Orly "Gumdrop"
Stripes:  China Glaze "Shower Together" and "First Mate".

Paint two coats of "GD".  Then using a striping brush, paint three stripes of "ST", and on the top of those stripes, paint stripes with "FM".

Enjoy!  And I hope everyone has a nice weekend, hopefully spending it with family or friends. :)  



Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Yellow Brick Road" is Here, for those who want it...

Hello, Everyone!  Today I got an email from Ms. Lippmann.  Here is a screenshot.

Yes, yes.  The heavily anticipated "Yellow Brick Road" is now available on her website,

Have fun. :D


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's the Little Things...

I was just browsing through my iPhoto because I was bored and I came across the picture below and thought, *sigh*, I have to share this with someone who will appreciate it.  The pictures looked so much more vibrant in iPhoto.  Oh well!  It's Zoya's "Crystal"!

That's all for today, because I'm going to sleep soon. :D  Good night everyone!~


Monday, April 18, 2011


Hello, Everyone!  I don;t know if you know this, but the colors for University of Miami are orange and green, and today's post is a dedication to UM!~

Colors used:
  • OPI:  Jade is the New Black
  • Zoya:  Tanzy

Random post.  Sorry, guys.  Plus, I just needed an excuse to wear "JitNB" because j'adore that color.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Is This True...?

I read an article yesterday on Yahoo! and it talked about certain items (ie. mascara, perfume, nail polish) and how long you can keep them before you should throw them out.  And then it talked about how you can extend the lifespan of each item.  And when I saw the part about nail polish, I was intrigued.  So I took a screen shot, which is the picture above.

Now my first question is:  Are you really told to toss it after 8 months?  I think good nail polish will last QUITE a bit longer than that.  And even if my polish is a globby mess, no one will be able to pry it out of my hands.  No one.

Second question:  I wonder if the fridge idea actually works.  Not that I'm going to buy a mini fridge (okay, let's face it, I would need a regular sized fridge for all my polish) to store my nail polish.  That would seem silly... or would it?

Well, if any of you have a thought about this, please share!  Enjoy your Sunday!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

OPI: Need Sunglasses?

Hello, Everyone!  It's a bit gloomy today.  So why not brighten it up with a bright yellow?!  Here's a review on OPI's "Need Sunglasses?".
I've been playing around with different formats for my reviews, and I think this is how I'm going to do it. :)

"Need Sunglasses" is a bright yellow that I think think is perfect for the summer, I mean, just look at the name.

All the pictures are color accurate.

  • Coats:  3 coats to get no VNL, but two coats looks just fine.
  • Finish:  Jelly!
  • Where:  I got lucky and saw this color at Trade Secret, but it might pop up at Ulta.
  • Wear:  I wore it for 3 days and it didn't look like it was going to chip any time soon.
  • Cost:  $8.50 (the standard amount)
  • Staining: No stains!
  • Application:  Smooth and not overly streaky (especially for a yellow)
  • Dry time:  Normal
  • Removal:  Easy

I highly recommend this color!  It's a great jelly yellow.  And I can't think of any other jelly yellow by another brand, so get it!~

Have a great day, everyone!!!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Party Dots (Feat. a friend's nails)

Hello, Everyone!  Today I have a nail design to show you all. It's a design I did on my friend's nails for an event she was going to.  She picked out the colors, and I did the design.  Behold:

Colors Used:
  • OPI DS: mystery
  • OPI:  Rumple's Wiggin'
  • OPI:  Gargantuan Green Grape
  • OPI:  Jade is the New Black
  • China Glaze:  First Mate

I used 2 coats of "mystery" for the base color.  And then using a bobby pin as a dotting tool, I did a kind of gradient effect with the dots, starting at the base of the nail, progressively making fewer dots and smaller dots.  I used "RW" "GGG" "JITNB" and "FM" for the dots.  And on the fourth finger I put 3 small rhinestones: green, purple, and silver.

The nails went really well with her dress. I love matching nails with fashion, but I change my nails so often, they hardly ever go with what I'm wearing.  Unless I plan ahead. :D  I had a flipping awesome day.  Hope yours was too!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Tonight I make history.  I am going to see Lady Gaga and I felt it was only appropriate to wear "Bad Romance" by Ms. Lippmann.

Punk rock glam. 

Love this color.

I hope all of your nights are as great as mine!


Monday, April 11, 2011

It's "Not Like the Movies", it's better~

Hello, Everyone!   I had a special event Saturday night and, therefore, needed a special polish to go with my purple dress.  And my night was so amazing, it was better than what the movies stereotype it as.  And it just so happens that I wore OPI "Not Like the Movies" to the event. :D

I used Konad image plate m60 and Konad's special white polish for the flower design. :)

I can NOT get enough of this polish.  It looks so futuristic.  If I see it in the store, I WILL get another bottle.

In other world news... tomorrow night I'm going to the Lady Gaga concert.  It seems appropriate to wear "Bad Romance" by Deborah Lippmann. :D :D :D


Saturday, April 9, 2011

French Manicure!~ (First real attempt)

Hello, Everyone!   Today I have the classic French manicure to share with you.  After doing it two different ways, one way on each hand, I have discovered how to do a French manicure right.  At least with the colors that I have and the technique that I use.  Anyway!  Too much talking!  Here are the pictures.

Right hand

 Right hand

 Left hand
Colors Used:
  • Orly: Sweet Blush
  • OPI: Alpine Snow-Matte
Right hand method:
1.  Base coat.
2.  Use 1 coat of "Sweet Blush".
3.  Paint tips white with "Alpine Snow-Matte"
4.  Paint TWO more coats of "Sweet Blush" over the entire nail.
5.  Top coat.  

Left hand method:
1.  Base coat.
2.  Use 1 coat of "Sweet Blush".
3.  Paint tips white with "Alpine Snow-Matte"
4.  Paint ONE coat of "Sweet Blush" over the entire nail.
5.  Top coat.

Winner:  Left hand!  (If I had to pick, because both methods aren't right.)

"Sweet Blush" is streaky and thin.  So you really need 3 coats to make it look even in color.  But putting two coats of "Sweet Blush" over the white tips covers the white too much so you barely see it.  SO.  What have we learned?  Use two coats of "Sweet Blush", then paint the white tips, then add ONE more coat of "Sweet Blush".  BAM!  Done.  Perfection~

Everyone, enjoy your night, I know I will. :D :D :D


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Hello, Everyone!  I have another flag for today!  Today I represent France!   And actually, I'm half French, so I guess it's a personal post.  Lol.  Anyway, the photos aren't the best because I took them after several days of wear, but I tried.  Voilà!

Close up!

 Aerial view!
Colors Used:
  • OPI "Alpine Snow-Matte"
  • China Glaze "First Mate"
  • China Glaze "Sacred Heart (Neon)"

I take flag requests!  And heads up for those with a Sally's near by.  All April, all nail polishes are buy 2 get 1 free.  Which include China Glaze, Orly, Finger Paints, etc.  I also want to thank all of my followers.  Forty-five.  FORTY-FIVE!

The weather was awful today!  There was a tornado watch and everything.  Sheesh.  It was very windy. Well, enjoy the photos, and have a nice day!


Monday, April 4, 2011


Hello, Everyone!  Today I have a flag inspired nail design!  A friend of mine, who is Colombian, requested it, so I tried it out.  It looks nice!  

A close up!

Aerial view!

Colors Used:
  • OPI "Need Sunglasses?"
  • China Glaze "First Mate
  • China Glaze "Sacred Heart (Neon)"
I've done other flag designs too, so look out for those.  Or if you have a request I'll be happy to do it.  I hope everyone has an enjoyable Monday!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

My ZOYAs are HERE!

Hello, Everyone! It's April and it's spring!  I love spring!  And my Zoyas from the BOGO promotion have arrived.  Behold.
The cute little box they came in (which was inside a much bigger box full of peanuts)

And when you open the box...

Loud and proud!
Reva, Rica, Tanzy, Apple, Faye, Mira

I got all but one from the Sunshine Collection because they all looked so b-e-a-u-ti-ful.  Swatches soon.
