ORIGINAL POST DATE: August 21, 2010
I'm back! And tired. And sad. Seven hours of driving takes a lot out of you. And now my sister is all settled in her dormitory. And now I'm alone. But I guess it's just another part of life and growing up. Anyway, you aren't here to hear about my personal problems, you're here for rhinestones!
I love rhinestones. Simple as that. But if you put too many on one nail, it looks gaudy. But if that's the look you're going for, then by all means, go ahead. Rhinestones give that extra "je ne sais quoi." Which is French for "I don't know what," but is used in English as a way of describing a quality that makes something distinctive or attractive, a "certain something". For example, "She has a certain je ne sais quoi about her." :D I love saying that phrase. And I have an excuse because I'm half-French! Ha!

Can you tell that I love this color? I've been obsessed with it lately. It's China Glaze's Turned Up Turquoise (Neon). If you want to know more specifics about this color, go to my post for Autumn Tree Nails. I have a good paragraph describing the color. But I will quickly say that my camera is unfortunately incapable of capturing the true color of this polish. It's Turned Up TURQUOISE. It looks strictly BLUE in the photo. But it's actually more green than blue in real life. Just trust me when I say that it's a really nice color.

Now, the rhinestones, they're different sizes. Which was done purposely. :) I got them at Walgreens. They're the kind with the sticky back to them, so you just stick them on your nail, but I took off the little stickers, because I like putting on my rhinestones the way I always do.
Anyhow. Rhinestones add bling, glam, and bedazzle to your nails! And they're good attention getters! If you want your nails to be noticed, bedazzle them with rhinestones!
My favorite rhinestone to use is the classic silver, which is seen in these photos. I think this is most people's favorite. And it's classic for a reason. It goes with ANY nail color or design you have! VERY versatile. I LOVE IT!

I only have one rhinestone wheel and the rhinestones I got from Walgreens. I got the wheel at a kiosk in the mall, for a really good price, but unfortunately, that kiosk is gone. If I would have known that, I would have stocked up. Haha. So I'm pretty limited when it comes to rhinestones. But I LOVE them and I WANT them, but the only other place I know of that has them is Sally's, and that store is so darn expensive. I refuse to pay $12 for a wheel that only has a few stones that I would use up like water. So, yeah, I have to go find some place that has some good prices. Because I would LOVE to have some star-shaped and some heart-shaped stones!
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